Resist für die Startseite (Resist des Monats)

October 2024: Worldwide interest in Medusa 84 – AR-N 8400 SiH

Allresist will soon offer ready-to-use resists as a replacement for HSQ in three different layer thicknesses: 50 nm (4,000 rpm, 4 % solids), 100 nm (4,000 rpm, 7 % solids), 400 nm (4,000 rpm, 23 % solids) → 1.0 µm / 800 rpm

July 2024: Medusa 84 AR-N 8400 SiH, the improved HSQ alternative, in market launch

Through a targeted synthesis which precisely separates the stable and sensitive molecular fraction of the HSQ polymer, and through complex cleaning procedures, it is possible to offer a significantly more stable resist.

January 2024: Electra 92 established on the market – AR-PC 5092.02

At AMOLF, Electra 92 was applied to HSQ deposited on a 40 nm thick SiO2 layer of a silicon wafer. Due to its highly hydrophobic surface, HSQ is particularly challenging. A specially adapted version of Electra 92 was required for this task.

October 2023: Medusa 84 SiH – SX AR-N 8400 another alternative to HSQ

In contrast to Medusa 82, the optical transparency of Medusa 84 SiH is significantly higher, since it is made of purely inorganic components. This transparency is important for a large group of customers who use such resists for optical applications.

April 2023: E-beam PMMA resist AR-P 672.045 – the workhorse for electron beam lithography

Due to the high sales volume, AR-P 672.045 is our internal “market leader”. This resist is used by three major microchip manufacturers in France, Germany, and China. The consumption is thus steadily increasing, and meanwhile more than 300 liters of this resist are ordered annually.

January 2023: Standard resist AR-P 3510 – 30 years on the world market

Right from the beginning, the idea of sustainability was firmly anchored in the philosophy of our young company. One of the first advanced developments of Allresist was the replacement of teratogenic solvents in the positive photoresist AR-P 351 with safer solvents. This is how the standard resist AR-P 3510 was created, in which the excellent lithographic properties of AR-P 351 were retained, but the resist was now significantly less dangerous to health for the user.

October 2022: Optimised Electra 92 – a new AR-PC 5092

We have now achieved a quality of aniline polymers that does not require the addition of isopropanol, which also increases the stability of AR-PC 5092 resist mixtures. Long-term tests demonstrated that the storage stability is significantly higher than with previous Electra variants.

July 2022: Our resist triplet of the month – presented at the Triple-Beam (EIPBN 2022)

After the corona-related merely online possible presence in the past two years, Allresist finally again took part live at the EIPBN in New Orleans, and we experienced a high interest in our resists at our booth.

April 2022: New environmentally friendly developer for PMMA resists AR 600-57

Exceptionally we present a new PMMA developer in the “Resist of the month” section today, because its potential possibilities will probably also inspire our users. This developer is a mixture of isopropanol and water – which may sound surprising at first, since both components individually do not attack PMMA layers.

January 2022: Versatile Phoenix 81 (AR-P 8100)

Phoenix 81 was developed as part of a Eurostar project in cooperation with Swisslitho AG (now Heidelberg Instruments Nano). Using a NanoFrazor and thermal scanning probe lithography (t-SPL), structures as small as 10 nm can be written by dipping a hot needle into the resist layer and evaporating the resist at the tip (see also AR NEWS, 42nd issue).