Protective Coating AR-PC 5094.02
Conductive protective coating for e-beam resists
Top layer for the dissipation of e-beam charges on insulating substrates
Conductive protective coating for e-beam resists
Top layer for the dissipation of e-beam charges on insulating substrates
* The products have a guaranteed shelf life of 6 months from the date of sale when stored according to instructions and can be used beyond this without guarantee until the label date.
Siemens star written on quartz with the new conductive coating Electra 92 (AR-PC 5094.02) spun on to prevent charge build-up. This variant of Electra 92, specially developed for HSQ, has excellent coating and adhesion properties.
© B. Drent, AMOLF NanoLab Amsterdam
Conductivity measurements of the spin-coated layers of the AR-PC 5094.02. With thinner layers, the resistance increases and the conductivity decreases.
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