
Cases von Papa schreiben lassen

1. What are e-beam resists composed of, and how do they work?

23. August 2008/by AllAdmin

1. What are photoresists composed of, and how do they work?

21. August 2008/by AllAdmin

10. How high is the etch resistance of e-beam resists in the presence of strong acids?

14. August 2008/by AllAdmin

10. Which developers are optimal for photoresist, and how do factors like developer concentration and temperature influence the result?

12. August 2008/by AllAdmin

11. How can resist coatings be removed again?

11. August 2008/by AllAdmin

11. How high is the solvent resistance of e-beam resist films?

13. August 2008/by AllAdmin

12. What is the application range of protective coatings?

10. August 2008/by AllAdmin

13. How do image reversal resists work?

9. August 2008/by AllAdmin

14. How can undercut patterns (lift-off structures) be produced in one- or two layer systems?

8. August 2008/by AllAdmin

15. How can thick films of > 10 µm be processed in an optimal way?

7. August 2008/by AllAdmin

16. Which resolution and which contrast can be obtained with photoresists?

6. August 2008/by AllAdmin

17. How high is the plasma etch resistance of photoresists?

5. August 2008/by AllAdmin

18. How high is the etch resistance of photoresist in the presence of strong acids?

4. August 2008/by AllAdmin

19. Which photoresists are suitable for hydrofluoric acid (HF) etching?

3. August 2008/by AllAdmin

2. For how long are e-beam resists stable, and what are the optimal storage conditions?

22. August 2008/by AllAdmin

2. For how long are photoresists stable, and what are the optimal storage conditions?

20. August 2008/by AllAdmin

20. How high is the solvent resistance of photoresist films?

2. August 2008/by AllAdmin

24nd issue of the AR NEWS

21. April 2012/by AllAdmin

25 years of Allresist – A reason to celebrate!

16. October 2017/by AllAdmin

25th issue of the AR NEWS

21. October 2012/by AllAdmin

26th issue of the AR NEWS

21. February 2013/by AllAdmin

27th issue of the AR NEWS

21. October 2013/by AllAdmin

28th Issue of the AR NEWS

21. May 2014/by AllAdmin

29th issue of the AR NEWS

21. October 2014/by AllAdmin

2L-Lift-off system AR-P 617 – AR-P 8100

25. April 2018/by AllAdmin

3. How may age-related changes influence the quality of a photoresist?

19. August 2008/by AllAdmin

3. What is the optimal pre-treatment of substrates for e-beam resist application?

21. August 2008/by AllAdmin

30 years Allresist

26. August 2022/by uschirmer

30th issue of the AR NEWS

21. April 2015/by AllAdmin

31st issue of the AR NEWS

21. October 2015/by AllAdmin

32nd issue of the AR NEWS

21. April 2016/by AllAdmin

33rd issue of the AR NEWS

16. October 2016/by AllAdmin

34th issue of the AR NEWS

21. April 2017/by AllAdmin

35th special issue of the AR NEWS

21. September 2017/by AllAdmin

36th Issue of the AR NEWS

22. October 2017/by AllAdmin

37th issue of the AR NEWS

22. April 2018/by AllAdmin

38th Issue of the AR NEWS

22. October 2018/by AllAdmin

39th Issue of the AR NEWS

22. April 2019/by AllAdmin

4. How high is the adhesion strength of e-beam resists to different wafers?

20. August 2008/by AllAdmin

4.What is the optimal pre-treatment of substrates for photoresists?

18. August 2008/by AllAdmin

40th issue of the AR NEWS

22. October 2019/by AllAdmin

41st issue of the AR NEWS

9. April 2020/by

42nd Issue of the AR NEWS

9. October 2020/by

43rd Issue of the AR NEWS

9. April 2021/by

44th Issue of the AR NEWS

14. October 2021/by uschirmer

45th Issue of the AR NEWS

21. April 2022/by AllAdmin

46th Issue of the AR NEWS

19. October 2022/by uschirmer

47th Issue of the AR NEWS

13. April 2023/by uschirmer

48th Issue of the AR NEWS

16. October 2023/by uschirmer

49th Issue of the AR NEWS

28. April 2024/by uschirmer

5. How are e-beam resists exposed? How can the optimum exposure dose be determined?

19. August 2008/by AllAdmin

5. What are the adhesion features of photoresists on different wafers?

17. August 2008/by AllAdmin

50th Issue of the AR NEWS

15. October 2024/by uschirmer

6. What are the optimum coating parameters for photoresists in order to achieve good film images?

16. August 2008/by AllAdmin

6. Which developers are optimal for e-beam resists, and how do factors like developer concentration and temperature influence the result?

18. August 2008/by AllAdmin

7. How can e-beam resist films be removed again?

17. August 2008/by AllAdmin

7. Why may air bubbles develop in photoresist films, and how can they be avoided?

15. August 2008/by AllAdmin

8. What is the function of the softbake of photoresist films after the coating?

14. August 2008/by AllAdmin

8. Which resolutions do e-beam resists achieve?

16. August 2008/by AllAdmin

9. How are photo resists exposed, and how can the optimum exposure dose be determined? How long can coated and exposed substrates be stored prior to exposure?

13. August 2008/by AllAdmin

9. How high is the plasma etch resistance of e-beam resists?

15. August 2008/by AllAdmin

Adaptable two-layer resist AR-BR 5460 for variable lift-off structures

21. July 2015/by AllAdmin

Additional new experimental developers for AR-P 617

29. September 2016/by AllAdmin

Adhesion promoter HMDS and diphenylsilanediol (AR 300-80)

28. February 2013/by AllAdmin

Adhesive strength

24. May 2022/by

Adhesive strength of AR 300-80

7. October 2013/by AllAdmin

Ageing of developer

13. July 2012/by AllAdmin

Alkali-stable and solvent-stable negative resist

16. July 2012/by AllAdmin

Alkali-stable positive resist obtained after treatment with HMDS

19. January 2016/by AllAdmin

Alkali-stable, easily structurable positive resist SX AR-P 5900/8

13. June 2014/by AllAdmin

Alkaline developers for aluminium substrates

20. May 2015/by AllAdmin

Allresist at the EIPBN 2018 Conference in Puerto Rico

6. June 2018/by AllAdmin

Allresist auf der MNE und Semicon

10. May 2017/by AllAdmin

Allresist now offers many solvents in lightweight HDPE bottles

17. February 2017/by AllAdmin

Allresist presents Medusa 82 at the MNE 2019 in Rhodes

30. September 2019/by AllAdmin

Allresist supports Ukraine

7. March 2022/by

Allresists neue Produktentwicklungen in den Startlöchern

15. April 2017/by AllAdmin

Alternatives for NMP-based removers

31. August 2012/by AllAdmin

Aluminium structures developed directly

27. February 2013/by AllAdmin

April 2019: Phoenix 81

22. April 2019/by AllAdmin

April 2021: CSAR 62 – In demand around the world

30. March 2021/by

April 2022: New environmentally friendly developer for PMMA resists AR 600-57

4. April 2022/by

April 2023: E-beam PMMA resist AR-P 672.045 – the workhorse for electron beam lithography

24. April 2023/by uschirmer

Aqueous negative resist based on gelatine

13. June 2014/by AllAdmin

Aqueous-alkaline removers

25. April 2022/by

AR-N 7700, 4 µm thick, proximity effect

27. February 2013/by AllAdmin

AR-P 617 Two layer lift-off system

22. March 2022/by

Atlas 46 for e-beam lithography

12. October 2018/by AllAdmin

Atlas 46 for nanoimprint lithography

15. January 2018/by AllAdmin

ATLAS 46 in general

7. June 2022/by


8. June 2022/by

Black resist

1. June 2022/by

Black-Protect – stable protective coating for HF and KOH etchings

9. July 2018/by AllAdmin

Bleachable resists

9. July 2018/by AllAdmin

BOE etching of SiO2 with CSAR 62 mask

13. April 2016/by AllAdmin

Brandenburger Innovationsfachkräfte

4. April 2017/by AllAdmin

Brandenburgs Wirtschaftsminister Albrecht Gerber bei Allresist zu Besuch – Photovoltaikanlage verbessert Ökobilanz 2015

11. February 2016/by AllAdmin

CAR 44 for e-beam lithography

12. October 2018/by AllAdmin

CAR 44 on copper

11. July 2017/by AllAdmin

Chemical dry etching

31. August 2012/by AllAdmin

Chemically amplified, highly sensitive negative e-beam resist SX AR-N 7730/37

13. June 2014/by AllAdmin

Chemically enhanced negative resist (Process parameters and resolution)

9. July 2013/by AllAdmin

Chemically enhanced negative resist without cross-linking

11. May 2022/by

Collapse of extreme high-resolution e-beam resist structures

27. February 2013/by AllAdmin

Coloured negative photoresists

11. October 2017/by AllAdmin

Composition of photoresists

13. July 2012/by AllAdmin

Conductivity under the application conditions of e-beam lithography

5. October 2015/by AllAdmin

Cross linker

13. July 2012/by AllAdmin

CSAR 62 Avoidance of particles during large-area exposures

27. October 2014/by AllAdmin

CSAR 62 for EUV applications

13. April 2016/by AllAdmin

CSAR 62 for thick films

11. October 2017/by AllAdmin

CSAR 62 lift-off for thick layers

27. October 2014/by AllAdmin

CSAR 62 nanostructures written at 100 kV

14. March 2022/by

CSAR 62 single layer lift-off system

25. April 2018/by AllAdmin

CSAR 62 thick layers

27. October 2014/by AllAdmin

CSAR 62 – Development at low temperatures

5. October 2015/by AllAdmin

CSAR 62 – Experimental studies on new, sensitive developers

5. October 2015/by AllAdmin

CSAR 62 – Mechanism of action

24. May 2022/by

CSAR structures on glass

5. October 2015/by AllAdmin

Customer information Corona virus

15. May 2020/by AllAdmin

Determining the conductivity of Electra 92 layers on glass

19. January 2016/by AllAdmin

Developer AR 300-35 for alkali-sensitive substrates

27. October 2014/by AllAdmin

Developer for CSAR 62 (AR-P 6200)

13. June 2014/by AllAdmin

Development cascade

11. July 2017/by AllAdmin

Development of thick negative resist layer

7. October 2013/by AllAdmin

Development procedures

30. July 2012/by AllAdmin

Diffractive optics with the “analogous“ e-beam resist

27. February 2013/by AllAdmin

Dilution of resists

25. May 2022/by

Donation for completed customer surveys

20. December 2023/by uschirmer

Dose-dependent structure size with negative resists

20. May 2015/by AllAdmin

E-Beam Resist

3. April 2017/by AllAdmin

E-beam resist: Procedures

9. June 2022/by

E-beam resists: General

8. June 2022/by

Einweihung des neuen 450 m² großen Anbaues zum 26. Firmenjubiläum

16. October 2018/by AllAdmin

Electra 92 variant optimised for applications on novolac-based resists

5. October 2015/by AllAdmin

Electron beam lithography systems

9. June 2022/by

Electron beam resists

13. June 2022/by

Ethanol and toluene-resistant photoresist AR-U 4060

21. July 2015/by AllAdmin

Eurostar-Projekt: PPA-Litho

31. March 2017/by AllAdmin

Eurostar-Projekt: PPA-Litho

31. March 2017/by AllAdmin

Evaluation of various developers for e-beam exposed CSAR 62 layers (100 kV)

4. July 2016/by AllAdmin

Evaluation of various developers for e-beam exposed CSAR 62 layers (100 kV)

29. September 2016/by AllAdmin


27. February 2013/by AllAdmin

Extension of the production facilities

29. April 2019/by AllAdmin

Fabrication of vertical flanks with CAR 44

20. January 2017/by AllAdmin

Fachartikel im Magazin für Oberflächentechnik

22. November 2014/by AllAdmin

Fachartikel in der Nanotechnologie (CSAR 62)

22. January 2015/by AllAdmin

Fachartikel in der Nanotechnologie (Electra 92)

12. October 2015/by AllAdmin

Fluorescent resist structures

11. October 2017/by AllAdmin

Fluorescent resist structures with photoresists

25. April 2018/by AllAdmin

Forays through the lithography of microelectronics (Matthias Schirmer)

20. May 2020/by AllAdmin

Förderung unternehmensWert:Mensch

4. October 2019/by AllAdmin


4. April 2017/by AllAdmin

General: Resist composition

1. June 2022/by

Generation of secondary electrons

9. June 2022/by

Generation of undercut structures with negative resists

20. May 2015/by AllAdmin

Great success with Medusa 82 at the MNE

28. September 2018/by AllAdmin

HF etching of GaAs with CSAR 62 masks

13. April 2016/by AllAdmin

High resolution on quartz with Electra 92 on HSQ resists

21. July 2015/by AllAdmin

High-resolution negative e-beam resist

13. July 2012/by AllAdmin

High-resolution negative e-beam resist AR-N 7520.17new for etching application

2. March 2022/by

High-resolution PMMA one layer resist

31. August 2012/by AllAdmin

Highly sensitive e-beam resist AR-P 617 (PMMA-copolymer)

13. April 2016/by AllAdmin

Important information about deliveries between years

15. November 2023/by uschirmer

Important information about deliveries between years 2024 / 2025

15. October 2024/by uschirmer

Improved protective coating SX AR-PC 5000/31

13. June 2014/by AllAdmin

Innovative new development at the MNE 2017

28. September 2017/by AllAdmin

Interference lithography

4. July 2016/by AllAdmin

January 2020: Black resist SX AR-N 8355/7

25. February 2020/by AllAdmin

January 2021: Optimised process for negative photoresist Atlas 46

20. January 2021/by uschirmer

January 2022: Versatile Phoenix 81 (AR-P 8100)

13. January 2022/by uschirmer

January 2023: Standard resist AR-P 3510 – 30 years on the world market

15. January 2023/by uschirmer

January 2024: Electra 92 established on the market – AR-PC 5092.02

29. January 2024/by uschirmer

July 2020: Bottom resist AR-BR 5400, the “workhorse” for two-layer processes

28. July 2020/by AllAdmin

July 2021: CAR 44 for galvanic molding

6. July 2021/by

July 2022: Our resist triplet of the month – presented at the Triple-Beam (EIPBN 2022)

4. July 2022/by

July 2024: Medusa 84 AR-N 8400 SiH, the improved HSQ alternative, in market launch

18. July 2024/by msendel

Laser ablation of PPA (Phoenix 81)

7. June 2022/by

Laser direct exposure with AR-P 3540

13. June 2014/by AllAdmin

Lift off (one layer – two layer)

13. July 2012/by AllAdmin


23. May 2022/by

Long-term stability of Electra 92

5. October 2015/by AllAdmin

Manufacture of plasmonic nanostructures with CSAR 62

5. October 2015/by AllAdmin

Manufacture of undercut structures for T-gates in three-layer processes

29. September 2016/by AllAdmin

Medusa 82 for EUV applications

12. October 2018/by AllAdmin

Medusa 82 with photoacid generator (PAG)

12. October 2018/by AllAdmin

Medusa 82 – the alternative to HSQ-resists, storage stability

9. July 2018/by AllAdmin

Medusa 82: Influence of post exposure bake (PEB)

12. October 2018/by AllAdmin

Negative CAR PMMA resist SX AR-N 4810/1

20. May 2015/by AllAdmin

Negative poly(hydroxystyrene) and (hydroxystyrene-co-MMA) photoresist with high-temperature stability

13. January 2022/by

Negative polyimide photoresist

27. February 2013/by AllAdmin

Negative two- layer lift-off system

9. July 2013/by AllAdmin

New AR 300-80 and contact angle measurement

11. July 2017/by AllAdmin

New developer for AR-P 5320

20. May 2015/by AllAdmin

New developers for AR-P 617

13. April 2016/by AllAdmin

New developers for PMMAcoMA (AR-P 617, 50 kV)

29. September 2016/by AllAdmin

New procedure for the spray coating of deep topologies with SX AR-P 1250/20

27. February 2013/by AllAdmin

New safer solvent remover AR 300-76

13. June 2014/by AllAdmin

New solvent remover

19. May 2022/by

NIR-laser structurable photoresists

27. October 2014/by AllAdmin

October 2021: More efficient production of Electra 92

1. October 2021/by uschirmer

October 2022: Optimised Electra 92 – a new AR-PC 5092

19. October 2022/by uschirmer

October 2023: Medusa 84 SiH – SX AR-N 8400 another alternative to HSQ

6. October 2023/by msendel

October 2024: Worldwide interest in Medusa 84 – AR-N 8400 SiH

15. October 2024/by uschirmer

Oktober 2019: Medusa 82 UV

22. October 2019/by AllAdmin

One-layer and two-layer lift-off

24. May 2022/by

Order of Merit of the State of Brandenburg for Brigitte and Matthias Schirmer

2. February 2022/by uschirmer

Other resist components

16. July 2012/by AllAdmin

Patterning of the conductive protective coating Electra 92

21. July 2015/by AllAdmin

Phoenix 81 – Storage conditions and dispatch

9. July 2018/by AllAdmin

Photoresist coatings on Teflon substrates

27. February 2013/by AllAdmin

Photosensitive components

13. July 2012/by AllAdmin

PMMA e-beam resist with flat gradation for three-dimensional structures

21. March 2022/by

PMMA e-beam resist, positive and negative in the case of overexposure, suitable for bridge structures

21. March 2022/by

PMMA lift-off structures on semi-precious stone substrates using Electra 92

5. October 2015/by AllAdmin

PMMA protective coating: reduction of cotton candy effect

27. October 2014/by AllAdmin

Poly(phthalaldehyde)-based electron beam resists

21. July 2015/by AllAdmin

Poly(phthalaldehyde)-based electron beam resists, University of Tübingen

27. July 2022/by

Polyimide two-layer systems

31. August 2012/by AllAdmin

Polymers (film formers)

20. March 2013/by AllAdmin

Positive polyimide one-layer resist

27. February 2013/by AllAdmin

Positive polyimide resist for e-beam-lithography

13. July 2012/by AllAdmin

Positive resist for temperature sensitive substrates

12. May 2022/by

Positive two- layer lift-off system

14. June 2022/by

PPA for two layer applications

22. March 2022/by

Principle and functioning

24. July 2012/by AllAdmin

Process conditions

11. May 2022/by

Process procedure e-beam resist

30. July 2012/by AllAdmin

Process procedure photoresists

30. July 2012/by AllAdmin


10. May 2019/by AllAdmin

Protective coating as spray resist for the smoothing of surfaces

22. March 2022/by

Protective coating for KOH-etching

16. July 2012/by AllAdmin

Protective coating to prevent mechanical damage

4. October 2016/by AllAdmin

Proximity effect

7. June 2022/by

Raster and vector scan principle

7. June 2022/by

Ratio resolution and dose, exemplarily shown for e-beam resist SX AR-N 7530/1

13. June 2014/by AllAdmin

Ready-to-use spray resists with EVG devices (positive and negative)

31. May 2022/by

Removers in general

30. July 2012/by AllAdmin

Resist for 488 nm exposure wavelength

31. August 2012/by AllAdmin

Resist for near infrared (NIR)

16. July 2012/by AllAdmin

Resist of the month April 2013: Positive e-beam resist CSAR 62 – an alternative to ZEP 520

1. April 2013/by AllAdmin

Resist of the month April 2015: High-sensitivity negative resist AR-N 4400-10

1. April 2015/by AllAdmin

Resist of the month April – Thermally developable positive resist Phoenix 81

3. April 2017/by AllAdmin

Resist of the Month Archive: April 2014

1. April 2014/by AllAdmin

Resist of the Month Archive: October 2013

1. October 2013/by AllAdmin

Resist of the month January 2013: Negative p hotoresists SX AR-N 4340/8 – a resist for laser interference lithography (LIL)

1. January 2013/by AllAdmin

Resist of the month January 2015: High temperature-resistant positive resist

1. January 2015/by AllAdmin

Resist of the month January 2016: Electra 92 has now gone into production!

1. January 2016/by AllAdmin

Resist of the month January 2017: Optimised negative spray resist AR-N 2200

2. January 2017/by AllAdmin

Resist of the month January: SU 8 alternative – negative photoresist Atlas 46

2. January 2018/by AllAdmin

Resist of the month Juli 2015: Process-adapted two-layer resist AR-BR 5460

1. July 2015/by AllAdmin

Resist of the month July 2013: Thermally stable two-layer system – SX AR-N 4340/10 – AR-P 5460

1. July 2013/by AllAdmin

Resist of the month July 2014: Electra 92

1. July 2014/by AllAdmin

Resist of the month July 2016: Negative PMMA resist for photolithography

1. July 2016/by AllAdmin

Resist of the Month July: Medusa 82 – the alternative to HSQ-resists

3. July 2018/by AllAdmin

Resist of the month October 2012: Negative photoresists AR-N 4400 – with optimized bake regime

1. October 2012/by AllAdmin

Resist of the month October 2014: Safer solvent

1. October 2014/by AllAdmin

Resist of the month October 2015: E-beam lithography on glass – CSAR 62 and Electra 92

1. October 2015/by AllAdmin

Resist of the month October 2016: Optimised T-gate structures with three-layer system PMMA, copolymer 617 and CSAR 62

1. October 2016/by AllAdmin

Resist of the month of April: Fluorescent negative photoresist Atlas 46 S

6. April 2018/by AllAdmin

Resist of the month of October: Fluorescent resist structures with SX AR-P 672.08

18. September 2017/by AllAdmin

Resist of the Month of October: Medusa 82 – alternative to HSQ

21. October 2018/by AllAdmin


3. April 2017/by AllAdmin

Resists for novel applications in lithography – thermally structurable polymers

21. July 2015/by AllAdmin

Safer solvent PMMA protective coating

27. October 2014/by AllAdmin


7. June 2022/by


8. June 2022/by

Sensitive negative PMMA resist (CAR)

27. October 2014/by AllAdmin

Sensitive negative resist for 405 nm laser direct exposure

20. May 2015/by AllAdmin

Sensitive, etch-stable negative e-beam resist for processes without yellow light

13. July 2012/by AllAdmin


23. May 2022/by

Solvent removers

14. April 2022/by

Solvents and workplace safety

14. April 2022/by

Solvents in e-beam resists

9. July 2013/by AllAdmin

Spray resists for different topologies (negative)

31. August 2012/by AllAdmin

Spray resists for different topologies (positive and negative)

31. August 2012/by AllAdmin

Stabilisation/ hardening of resist films

20. May 2015/by AllAdmin


30. July 2012/by AllAdmin

Storage and ageing

13. July 2012/by AllAdmin

Strategy workshop – we will not be available for you on January 13th, 2023!

12. January 2023/by uschirmer

Strategy workshop: we will not be available for you on January 30, 2024!

18. January 2024/by uschirmer

Structuring by ablation of the resist materials

9. July 2018/by AllAdmin

Structuring of polyphthalaldehydes with photolithography

21. July 2015/by AllAdmin

Surface imaging resist system SX AR-N 7100 – silylable photoresist

4. July 2016/by AllAdmin

SX AR-PC 5060 F-Protect (replacement for Cytop)

15. January 2018/by AllAdmin

T-gates with three-layer system CSAR/PMMAcoMA/PMMA

8. June 2022/by

Temperature resistance of e-beam polymers

15. March 2022/by

Temperature-stable negative resist

16. July 2012/by AllAdmin

Thermally stable two-layer lift-off systems

25. May 2022/by

Thermostable photoresists

27. October 2014/by AllAdmin

Thick CSAR 62

13. June 2014/by AllAdmin


15. August 2012/by AllAdmin

Three-layer system CSAR/PMMAcoMA/PMMA

9. June 2022/by

Top surface imaging (TSI) photoresist – principles

19. May 2022/by

Top Surface Imaging E-Beamresist

3. February 2017/by AllAdmin

Two-layer e-beam resist system with novolacs as bottom resist

19. January 2016/by AllAdmin

Two-layer photoresist system for water-sensitive substrates

21. July 2015/by AllAdmin

Two-layer PMMA e-beam resist system for high-resolution lift-off

21. September 2012/by AllAdmin

Two-layer resist system for hydrofluoric acid etching

16. July 2012/by AllAdmin

Types of developers

14. April 2022/by

Use of CSAR 62 for the manufacture of nanostructures on GaAs substrates

4. July 2016/by AllAdmin

Use of PPA in multilayer processes

20. January 2017/by AllAdmin

Utilising Electra 92 for SEM applications

13. April 2016/by AllAdmin


30. July 2012/by AllAdmin

UV-structuring of PMMA resists

31. August 2012/by AllAdmin

W+M-Artikel: Das Monopol geknackt

3. March 2015/by AllAdmin

Water-based resists

27. October 2014/by AllAdmin

Waterfree developable special resist SX AR-N 4810/1

19. May 2022/by

Wet chemical etching

31. August 2012/by AllAdmin

Writing time

8. June 2022/by

Zeitungsartikel zu 25 Jahren Allresist

14. November 2017/by AllAdmin