PMMA layers (novolak layers) feature an extremely smooth surface. A surface roughness of less than 2nm was measured on resists which were thus optimized. This characteristic can be used for the smoothing of glass surfaces, for instance. By means of spray coating, SX AR-PC 5000/22 is applied thinly to the glass substrate (layer thickness < 100 nm). By choosing the solvent mixture and adding tensides, the aforementioned extremely smooth surface results. Subsequently, the novolak layer is carefully removed by means of plasma etching. When a „rough“ glass surface is reached (roughness of e.g. 10 nm), the primarily protruding "glass peaks" are etched off, while the "valleys" still remain untouched. It is important in this process that the etching rates of glass and PMMA are equal in the etching gas mixture. When the PMMA is completely removed, the smooth surface is transferred onto the substrate. [/av_textblock] [/av_two_third][av_one_third min_height='' vertical_alignment='' space='' custom_margin='' margin='0px' padding='0px' border='' border_color='' radius='0px' background_color='' src='' background_position='top left' background_repeat='no-repeat' animation='' mobile_display='' av_uid='av-45jek1'] [av_textblock size='' av-medium-font-size='' av-small-font-size='' av-mini-font-size='' font_color='' color='' id='' custom_class='' av_uid='av-ka83iu82' admin_preview_bg='']