We have preserved the joy and amazement that comes with discovering the fascinating world of the nanocosmos which we explore during our research activities. Last but not least is it this joy which drives to us to scientific excellence. For this, our customers are an important driving force.
Since the beginning we could, together with our partners, successfully cimplement this strategy in more than 35 scientific cooperative projects.
Completed scientific projects of the Allresist GmbH
2015-2016 BMBF funding measure “Twenty 20 – Partnership for Innovation”: Smart Processes – Process Technologies for Smart Materials
Cooperation partners: Allresist GmbH, Fraunhofer IWU, Dresden, Fraunhofer IAP, Potsdam, Back Stickers, Waltershausen, Festo AG & Co. KG, Esslingen
Target: The aim is the development of marketable products which utilise so-called smart materials for energy conversion (sensory and/or actuators). In the long term, a paradigm shift in the design of mechatronic products is intended. Allresist is cooperation partner in a subproject concerned with the evaluation and characterisation of procedures for the manufacture of dielectric elastomer stack actuators. The mail focus of Allresist is the manufacturing of conductive polymer electrodes.
2014-2017 Eurostar Project: PPA-Litho – Commercially available resist materials based on poly(phthalaldehydes) for extended lithography applications
Cooperation partners: Allresist GmbH, SwissLitho AG (Zurich, Switzerland), Institute for Thin Film Technology and Micro Sensors (Teltow), JOANNEUM RESEARCH Forschungsgesellschaft mbH (Graz, Austria), Aglycon Dr. Spreitz KG (Allerheiligen, Austria)
Target: Development and subsequent production of thermally structurable resists on the basis of poly(phthalaldehydes) for NanoFrazor technology (analogous to e-beam technology).
2013 – 2014 Project „VEGAS – Methods and equipment for electronic printable cards with safety attributes, development functional structure resists”
Main cooperation partner: Firma Lüth & Dümchen, Berlin; Technische Universität Berlin; FhG Institut für angewandte Polymerforschung.
Target: Smartcards with visual ascertainable information by using of special photoresists.
2012 – 2014 Project „INNOPEP – Covering of innovation success in product development and production”
Main cooperation partner: InMediasP GmbH, Hennigsdorf, ASG Luftfahrttechnik und Sensorik GmbH, Weinheim, BEAR Mühlen & Behälter GmbH, Berlin, Berliner Glas KGaA, Berlin, Fraunhofer-Institut für Produktionsanlagen und Konstruktionstechnik (IPK), Berlin, INPRO mbH, Berlin, MaTec Gummiwerk GmbH, Schwielowsee, Pumacy Technologies AG, Bernburg, TU Berlin, Universität Augsburg, CEPRA.
Target: Development of application scenarios, assessment, validation, introduction and distribution
2013 Innovation voucher: „Development and synthesis of tailor made electric conductive polymers as resist component for the mask production in the nanometer range”
Main cooperation partner: Institut für Dünnschichttechnologie und Mikrosensorik, Teltow.
Target: Electric conductive resist layer fort he e-beam lithography
2012 Innovation voucher: „Synthesis of structure optimized copolymers for the application in innovative e-beamresists”
Main cooperation partner: Institut für Dünnschichttechnologie und Mikrosensorik, Teltow.
Target: Alternative to the ZEP-resist – development oft he CSAR 62
2011 Innovation voucher: „Development and synthesis tailor made Bisazide for innovating photoresists for laser direct exposures > 400 nm wavelength”
Main cooperation partner: Institut für Dünnschichttechnologie und Mikrosensorik, Teltow.
Target: Innovative photoresists for laser direct exposures > 400 nm wavelength
2009 – 2011 Project: „Development of cross linked Epoxystyrene for OLED- OFET- and Microstructur-Applications“
Cooperation partner: Fraunhofer Institut für Angewandte Polymerforschung, Golm
2006 – 2008 Project: „Development of a simplified procedure for the patterning of silicon and silicon oxide, respectively, using wet-chemical methods“
Cooperation partner: Institute for Thin Film and Microsensoric Technology e.V.
Target: Resist systems for hydrofluoric acid- and KOH-etching in glass and silicon, respectively.
2006 – 2008 Project: “Nano-structures using lift-off-techniques“
Cooperation partner: Physical Institute, Bavarian Julius-Maximilians-University, Würzburg
Target: Sub-50-nm-structures using lift-off-techniques
2004 – 2006 Project: “Resists for the LIGA and microsystem technology“
Cooperation partner: Bessy GmbH, Berlin
Target: Resist structures with a film size of up to 500 µm
2004 – 2006 Project: “Resists for OLED photo patterning”
Cooperation partner: FhG Institute for Applied Polymer Research, Golm
Target: Patterning of OLEDs
2002 – 2004 Project: “Characterisation and production of functional films allowing orientation“
Cooperation partner: Institute for Thin Film and Microsensoric Technology e.V.
Target: Orientation films for displays
2001 – 2004 Project: “Negative resist for MST“
Main cooperation partner: Bessy GmbH and CiS Erfurt
Target: Negative resists for the microsystem technology
2001 – 2002 Project: “Photoresists for special applications in micro patterning“
Main cooperation partner: CiS, Centre for Intelligent Sensors, Erfurt
Target: Thick photoresist films for the microsystem technology
2000 – 2002 Project: “Thermo-stable resists“
Main cooperation partner: Institute for Thin Film and Microsensoric Technology e.V.
Target: Thermostable protective coatings for microelectronic applications
1999-2000 Project: “Photo-polymerizable passive coating for screen printing“
Main cooperation partner: Fraunhofer Institute Reliability and Microintegration, Teltow
Target: Photo-polymerizable passive coating for high precision resistors
1998 – 1999 Project: “Electron beam analogue resist“
Main cooperation partner: University of Joensuu, Finland
Target: Manufacturing of three-dimensional resist structures for diffractive optics
1997 – 1999 Project: “Activated photoresists for the additive forming of strip conductors“
Main cooperation partner: TU Dresden, Institute for Microsystem Technology
Target: Manufacturing of flexible strip conductors via electro-plating of resist structures
1995 – 1998 Project: “Resists for eximer laser“
Main cooperation partner: CiS Erfurt
Target: Resists for eimer laser
1995 – 1996 Project: “Mask resists“
Main cooperation partner: robotron Meiningen GmbH, Advanced Mask Technology Centre Dresden GmbH
Target: New resist for the production of masks
1995 – 1996 Project: “Resist materials for the nanolithography“
Main cooperation partner: Institute for Thin Film and Microsensoric Technology e.V.
Target: Defect-free layers of resist materials for nano-structures
1994 – 1996 Project: “Multiprocessing resist“
Main cooperation partner: Institute for Semiconductor Physics, Frankfurt/O.
Target: Resist for mix & match technology e-beam / photolithography
1993 – 1994 Taking-over of the project “Elster“ from the “Fotochemische Werke“
Main cooperation partner: Institute for Semiconductor Physics, Frankfurt/O.
Target: Dry-developing e-beam resist