Resist of the month October 2015: E-beam lithography on glass – CSAR 62 and Electra 92

Resist of the month October 2015

E-beam lithography on glass – CSAR 62 and Electra 92

Allresist presented this precise and easy to handle two-layer system already on the MNE (Micro and Nano Engineering) 2015 in The Hague with great success.

An increasing number of electron beam applications are performed on insulating substrates such as glass, quartz, sapphire, or plastics. During the writing with an electron beam however, occurring charges cannot be appropriately discharged from these substrates and distorted structures result. This problem can be eliminated quickly and reliably if a conductive layer of Electra 92 is applied on the e-beam resist prior to irradiation.

A particularly high quality of structures is obtained if the Electra layer is applied on CSAR 62. In this case, the advantages of both products combine – an excellent resolution and the very high sensitivity of CSAR 62 plus the high conductivity and easy handling of Electra 92. Additional advantages of this combination arise from the high process stability and the long shelf-life of both products.


30 – 150 nm squares of CSAR 62, written on glass without any distortions due to the specific properties of SX AR-PC 5000/90.2 (Electra 92)

The strong interest in these resists on the MNE congress prompted us to choose both products as resists of the month.

P.S: The Chemnitz seminar „Electron-Beam Lithography“ will take place on November 4, 2015 in Chemnitz at the Fraunhofer Institute ENAS. In addition to many other top-class lectures, also Allresist will present the latest e-beam resist developments.

Allresist will send invitations with the next issue of the AR NEWS in two weeks. Interested users are however also invited to contact Allresist ( or Dr. Jens-Wolfram Erben ( in advance.

More resists of the month