Our resist triplet of the month – presented at the Triple-Beam (EIPBN 2022)
April 2022
April 2022
After the corona-related merely online possible presence in the past two years, Allresist finally again took part live at the EIPBN in New Orleans, and we experienced a high interest in our resists at our booth.
Allresist research team at their booth in New Orleans
Dr. M. Grube during her presentation
The most frequently requested information concerned three of our new developments, resists CSAR 62, Electra 92 and Phoenix 81, which we produce ourselves and which now account for a quarter of our annual sales. We received a lot of positive feedback from congress participants who have already used these resists with great success.
AR-P 6200 AR-PC 5090 AR-P 8100
Cäsar (CSAR) Electra Phoenix
Dr. Mandy Grube presented these resists to a large audience within the context of an industry talk. After her presentation, numerous lively discussions developed at our booth which reflects the great interest with respect to the possible applications of all three resists.
This success at the EIPBN 2022 prompted us to choose a resist triplet as “Resist of the Month” this time.
If you should be interested, you can download further information at www.allresist.de.